JUNE 20, 2019
THE WSU SIGMA CHI GORDY DAVIS CENTENNIAL CHAPTER HOUSE IS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Left to right with shovels: Howie Neill, Executive Committee and House Corporation President, undergraduate Mitchell Shapley, 2004 Campaign Chair Larry Culver, Jim Linstrum (Grandson of Chapter Founder Charles Linstrum), Executive Committee Member John Hale, Executive Committee Member Brad Fulton, Executive Committee Member Jeff Burnside (Project Director), Executive Committee Member Joe Winkler (Treasurer), Executive Committee Member Brian Phair, Homestretch Campaign Co-Chair Jeff Pyatt, Loan Team Co-Leader Jeff Kraft, Loan Team Co-Leader Eric Bolstad. Not pictured Executive Committee Campaign Chair Bill Ukropina.
YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY THURSDAY, JUNE 20, AT 3PM. This will be one of the three most historic moments in our chapter's 100-year history, rivaled only by our founding in 1919 and the opening of the "original" house in the 1930's. Get your photo taken with a shovel turning dirt so you can be in our Time Capsule for a hundred years and in our upcoming book "100 Years of WSU Sigma Chi" (a copy will go in the WSU Archives in Holland Library). Younger Sigs, you can show your photo to your future sons and grandsons. Yes, it's THAT historic.
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