The Beta Upsilon chapter of Sigma Chi has proudly adhered to the strict standards mandated for more than a generation by the Sigma Chi General Fraternity found here.
We applaud the worthy intentions of Sam's Law. As such, here is the full extend of where the WSU Office of Greek Life believes we have fallen short in the last five years:
"In Compliance with RCW 28B.10.900 (Sam’s Law), over the course of the last 5 years, the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Chi has been found in violation 1 time of WAC 504-26-21 : Alcohol is Present. During this incident it was found The Beta Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Chi Co-Hosted an event where alcohol was present and furnished to minors. All Sanctions have been completed for this violation."
We thank the WSU Office of Greek Life for its enthusiastic support of all our standards found here. And we thank the Sigma Chi International Fraternity for once again awarding the Beta Upsilon chapter as one of the best chapters in North America's largest and leading fraternity found here.