RUSH SIGMA CHI: "You'll find it here" in America's leading fraternity
Men interested in joining a fraternity at Washington State University have an opportunity to join Sigma Chi - the dominant fraternity in America as well as a Sig chapter in Pullman that can offer:
1) True life-long friends
2) A magnificent new chapter house that costs less than dorms
3) An upward arch in your trajectory in life.
Yes, the Sigma Chi Fraternity is that good.
Across North America, Sigma Chi is rolling out a series of leadership and character-building courses online and in person that are so good, the Sigma Chi Leadership Institute is an accredited organization. It offers, free of any charge, courses in nine distinct kinds of leadership that are stackable certificates with LinkedIn badges and, in some cases, college credit.
At WSU's chapter, you'll find solid men of good character with a zero tolerance no-hazing policy and fair alcohol rules. Academics are a priority and so is the entire college experience. We are proud of our deeply involved alumni programs that offer professional mentoring and our summertime national conferences second to none.
Sigma Chi alumni offer $1.5 million in annual scholarships nationwide with seven scholarships exclusively for men in our chapter.
INSTAGRAM: sigmachiwsu
Kellen Miliken 360-216-9480

Sigma Chi's WSU chapter wins top national honors - again
Hundreds of WSU Sigma Chi alumni and undergraduate brothers are cheering following the recent announcement that the Beta Upsilon chapter has won the Peterson Significant Chapter Award, the second time in the last three years.
It is the highest honor bestowed on a chapter from the headquarters of the largest and leading fraternity in North America. The award is given for academic achievement, community service, philanthropy and much more.
"It's amazing to see our chapter operating so effectively and proving why Sigma Chi is the best fraternity in the world," said Dane Lucero, two-term chapter president from 2021-2023. The honor is the result of the "outstanding commitment from chapter leadership and incredible buy-in from the undergraduate members."
It is the fourth time the Beta Upsilon chapter has won the award.
"It's an honor to have received a Peterson Award this past week at the Krach Transformational Leadership Workshop," said current chapter president Jake Whorley who was one of three WSU Sigs chosen to attend the fraternity's acclaimed annual conference.
The Sigma Chi General Fraternity is the largest and most honored fraternity in the Greek World. It issues $1.7 million in scholarships for Sigma Chi students every year and our chapter receives seven scholarships exclusively for WSU Sigs from generous support of our alumni. For more information, go to www.sigmachi.org

Character and leadership training so good that you can earn college credit.

Excellent GPA
and demanding
study culture.