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Our new US flag, once flown over the US Capitol, was unfurled inside the current chapter house and, well, it took up most of the front room! Left is Mitchell Shapley, right is former Consul Michael Birmingham.

We're Restoring Old Glory to Sigma Chi

We are restoring Old Glory to WSU Sigma Chi with a new grand flagpole and a US flag once flown over the US Capitol and provided by Sigma Chi and Senator Lamar Alexander.


It's the work of our Flagpole Initiative Task Force: Terry Thomas, Tim Cooke, Eric Jarvi, Robert Flatt, Dan Pass, Andy Neimer and Roger Edwards - all veterans of service in the US military.


All donors to the flagpole initiative will get additional recognition above and beyond the main donor list. Donors can honor any specific person who served or is serving - brothers or loved ones - or Sigs who served in general. Your gift will not only cover costs of the flagpole and installation but also help fund the remaining needs for our Centennial Chapter House.

Our magnificent US flag has been delivered to the Beta Upsilon house. It is so large that, when the brothers unfurled it, the flag consumed most of the front room in the house.


The flagpole will be large and, if we can raise sufficient funds, illuminated at night so that it can remain aloft during the night, if we choose.


We are whittling away at our remaining needs which, at the September Centennial Reunion, was $449,000. Donations to the flagpole initiative will go cover costs and to help us finish this job so we can open the kind of house we all want. 


See this page for your special Flagpole Initiative donation form.


On August 8th, see Old Glory fly again.


Flagpole Donor Form


Sen. Alexander's letter

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Letter from Senator Lamar Alexander US f
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United States Senator Lamar Alexander and a  great Sigma Chi brother from Tennessee.

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